Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Improving Brian

How to Improving Brain??

Every parent would want his children to clever and intelligent. Every family will want to create a peaceful family, happy and prosperous .

But how?

You know, that in fact every child is born healthy have the potential to become smarter and smarter kids? Because the truth of God made man in the same boat except gender only.

In a normal condition when the cells of healthy eggs would only be fertilized by a sperm cell is the best and strongest of any competition there are millions of sperm cells that will be able to realize the best form of the human form as a form of flawless perfection of His creation and the greatness of the Lord of universe this highway.

Are you aware when a person born in this world is dependent and influenced by parents and environment, which in turn form the personal behavior and create a child like that currently seen and felt by every parent. Therefore, it is a big mistake if the parents can only blame his son just because he's not smart or do not do well in school.

According to experts, the phase of the golden age of a child is at age 1-5 years but in the second phase of development there at the age of 6-15 years (version) is even possible without a certain age limit that person capable of achievement, provided that they know how and methods. The next question is "whether after someone who is intelligent can realize sakinah family formation '?

If you wanto nkow much abaout it klik here